Is COVID-19 Making Your Tinnitus Worse?

Tinnitus is that ringing, buzzing, hissing, whistling, whooshing or rustling sound with no external sound source experienced by roughly 32% of the population, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. Tinnitus has many potential triggers, including exposure to loud noise, inner ear damage and stress. Many have reported increased severity of tinnitus since the…
Are Nosebleeds Worth a Trip to the Doctor?

Nosebleeds, also known as epistaxis, are extremely common. In fact, approximately 60% of people will experience a nosebleed at some point in their life. Nosebleeds most commonly affect children between ages two and 10, as well as adults ages 50 to 80. While nosebleeds can sometimes appear alarming, only around 10% warrant medical treatment. What…
Are Allergies Making You Snore?

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, approximately 45% of adults snore on occasion, and 25% snore chronically. While you may not be bothered by your snoring, your partner is certain to be. Many people are unaware of the root cause of their snoring, but it’s possible that the source is all around you every day: dust….
Learning About Loss of Smell During the Pandemic

Your ability to smell is an often-overlooked sense that is important to your survival. An inability to smell, known as anosmia, has been in the news lately due to its connection to COVID-19. Understanding the causes of this condition can help ensure you seek treatment when needed. What Is Smell? Your sense of smell is…
Beware of Ragweed, a Common Fall Allergy Culprit

If you’ve experienced allergy symptoms even though it’s the middle of fall, you’re not alone. There’s even one cause that might stand out more than some of the other outliers: ragweed. Knowing the Signs Like many common allergens, ragweed can lead to sneezing, runny nose and itchy eyes, in addition to triggering asthma flares. This…
How Do Antibiotics Work to Treat Ear Infections?

Ear infections occur when fluid becomes trapped behind the eardrum, causing pain and inflammation. When this fluid becomes infected with bacteria, the best course of treatment is typically antibiotics. However, it’s worth noting that antibiotics aren’t the appropriate treatment for every type of ear infection. Below is an overview of common types of ear infections,…
What You Didn’t Know About Postnasal Drip

Postnasal drip is listed as a symptom of many ailments, but that doesn’t mean it’s obvious what it is or what it entails. Learning about postnasal drip can help you better describe and understand your symptoms when you talk to a physician, which is why we’ve compiled everything you may not know about it below….
Best Balance Exercises for Vertigo

Balance problems can affect your quality of life, and even result in a fall that causes a serious injury. To improve your balance and decrease your risk of a fall-related injury, it’s important to see an ENT or audiologist. However, there are some ways you can improve your balance through at-home exercises. Before Starting With…
What’s the Best Diet for Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough hormones. Because thyroid hormones help control growth, cell repair and metabolism, people who don’t produce enough may experience fatigue, hair loss, weight gain, depression and feeling cold. The condition affects 1-2% of the population and is 10 times more likely to affect women…
What’s the Difference Between Being Deaf and Hard of Hearing?

You’ve likely heard the terms “hard of hearing” and “deaf” used to describe hearing loss, but they’re not interchangeable. In order to understand the distinction, we first need to review the different levels of hearing loss. What Are the Levels of Hearing Loss? There are four general levels, also called “degrees,” of hearing loss: Mild…